Join us Sundays 10:am | Growth Groups throughout the week
Call or Text – 907-274-1324
239 Price Street
Anchorage, Alaska 99508
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”
(Matthew 5:16)
Everyone is welcome at Bethel Chapel
Greetings to you from
Pastor Robert Evans.
It is my desire for you to have a closer relationship with God.
Bethel Chapel is a full service church, where everyone is welcome and the Word of God is taught.
The individual growth and strength of each person will bring harmony
and security within the home.
Everyone needs a Pastor
and a church home.
If you already have a Pastor, please attend church this week and worship with other believers.
If you don’t have a Pastor,
then I would like to be your Pastor.
When a need arises, it would be my privilege to pray with you
and/or provide counsel
from the Word of God.
If at any time I may be an encouragement to you,
please don’t hesitate to contact me,
it would be a blessing.
In Christ,
Pastor Robert Evans
Our Vision
“Reach the lost for the Cross.”
Sharing the message of
salvation and grace
in love with people
so they can receive God’s free gift.
Our Mission
Reach – Teach – Build – Equip – Send
Preparing people to take the Gospel
to others for the glory of the Lord.
Worship With Us
10:00 am
Growth Groups Weekly
239 Price Street
Anchorage, Alaska
Fun and casual for
all ages, families
and friends